Jason Moorcroft reverse vectro illustrator

Meet Jason and the family

I was born in Chester in 1971 to Marjorie and John. I was brought up in a typical working class family where my father was a lorry driver and my mother, a stay-at-home mum, who suffered with a severe disability with Rheumatoid Arthritis.

We moved to Frodsham in 1977 and consider myself to be a local lad. I was fortunate to have lived in Cheshire during what I call the better times when we had police officers who we all knew the names of, great community events, local jobs and what I call a great sense of community.

My school life started with Orchard House, then The Manor and finally Frodsham High School where after gaining my O-Levels I joined West Cheshire College studying computers. My career for the main has been computer orientated and am now pleased to be in a senior position for a Finance House. I met my wife, Nicola in Frodsham and have been married for over 25 years. We have one daughter who has grown up in Frodsham.

My career in politics has only really just begun. I would never label myself as a career politican and have only become more involved due to disillusionment with the current state of affairs. I wholly believe change and reform is required to get our towns and country back on track and the best way I can help this is by becoming more involved.

I believe I can bring my life experiences to the "table". I know what it's like to have disability and the hardships that brings. I learned from my dad, that to get on you work hard and make sure you look after your family. As I progressed up the career ladder I've learned from the challenges faced by business owners and industry leaders.

No matter how high or low you think you are, how much or little money you have in your pocket or whatever your personal circumstances. We all need to work together to build a nice place to live, create opportunities and make life great again.

What I Bring Personally

Personable and approachable. Let's be honest, we all have an opinion. It's perfectly natural for those opinions to differ; some quite opposing. In all circumstances your MP must be accessible and open to listen and act in your interests.

Family values. The strength of our community is underpinned with strong family relationships. Our children look to us to be role models what's expected of us all. Providing security, warmth, love, rules and food are but a few characteristics we should all aspire to provide for our families.

Can do. Obstacles, blockers and hindrances can stop us achieving our potential. Most of the time, money is that critical factor. But with a "can do" attitude we can find a path to success. In my daily work life and personal life I do this regularly. Today I will achieve the impossible and I'll leave the miracles for tomorrow.

Representing the people of Runcorn and Helsby Constituency. Promoted by Jason Moorcroft, Reform UK 83 Victoria St, London SW1H OHW